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 Photography and adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial : The Basics for Beginners

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: The Basics for Beginners

Adobe Photoshop Tutorial For Beginners, teaching the Basics Of Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners, going over many important aspects when first starting graphic design!

Photoshop Basics Tutorial #2:

►Sections/ Lessons Taught:

1:36 -  1) Interface
10:48 -  2) Effects Panel
16:54 -  3) Working With Images
27:25 -  4) Working With Text
30:10 -  5) Essential Tools

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Music Thanks to Macleod:
"Easy Lemon" KevinMacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

This tutorial was made to familiarize anyone to using Adobe Photoshop, and start creating awesome graphic design and projects today! This long video is a 5-Section tutorial that was designed to be a resource which could be used if one wishes to improve upon/ learn one certain aspect covered in the basics, however if you are a complete beginner, I recommend you follow along the whole way though this tutorial, so hopefully by the end of it, you will be alot more confident with your knowledge and ability as you continue getting more comfortable with the program!

What is up guys, this is MisterNinjaBoy

And today I'm going to start a new series, guiding you guys through Photoshop;

Starting from the very basics and essentials,

To eventually getting into the more advanced stuff in graphic design.

My goal here is to maintain simplicity in this series,

and to make it possible for literally anyone to learn to use Photoshop.

Even if you've just started, and are already confused, just looking at the interface.

Don't worry

I can understand it may be daunting the first time you open Photoshop,

with all these options. In fact it can be intimidating at first starting with any new program.

But my goal here is to show you guys how simple yet Powerful Photoshop really is.

The sky is truly the limit with what you can do with it.

If you guys don't know, this channel isn't only focused on gaming.

In fact, I've Started it with tutorials on game development.

By the way, you can check that out on the channel if you want to.

But I've always really enjoyed teaching you guys my tips and tricks, and passing on my knowledge

I got in certain programs, to newcomers and to people looking to improve.

So I'm quite excited to start this series.

Later on, we're going to be doing some really exciting stuff, like making thumbnails, making logos,

Complex graphic art, and much more.

But in this first tutorial, we're just going to focus on the very basics of Photoshop.

This is the perfect guide for someone who has just begun using Photoshop.

So like any program the best way to

familiarize yourself to it at first would be to get a hang of the interface and all its features.

So we're going to do just that. Then as we dive deeper into this tutorial

I'm going to show you guys a collection of simple yet essential features that you must learn while first starting.

Alright, so let's get started.

Alright, so let's get started with learning the interface.

Now, to make sure that we're all on the same page with the

Interface itself with all its features all the windows, everything,

Let's go to Window > Workspace

And then make sure you're checked on 'Essentials Default' which is basically going to ensure that we have all the same features and everything.

Alright, so now let's proceed to make our first file, our first project you can call it.

So let's go to File > New

And then this is basically

The window where we're going to do all the settings for our project. So first of all we can name the project whatever we want.

I'm just going to name it 'example' for the tutorial's sake. And then,

For the width and height,

You can later on you can do whatever you want mattering on what what sort of project you want. Let's say you want to do

like a Twitter header or something then there's certain,

Dimensions you want to do then you choose that. But for now, we're going to do a standard 1920 x 1080

dimension for this project.

And then make sure you're always selected on pixels. This is important,

So for the width and height you want to be on both on the same units essentially.

But we're going to be working with pixels because it's the easiest. I mean I don't really work with centimeters or millimeters inches

On the computer it

Just doesn't make sense for me, but I mean I guess it matters on what you're doing, but for me pixels, for now

We're just we're going to work with pixels for both width and height.

And yeah, I was going to say for me. It's just the easiest because you know everything is in pixels on the computer, so

Yeah, so the just select everything here. It doesn't really matter if you what you do for the

[bit-depth], [I'm] just going to go 16-bit and yeah that's - that's pretty much it

[so] let's press continue, or okay.

And then we continue to this screen which gives us the by default we're just going to have a blank white square

So this is as you guys can see um right here [to] the right

This is basically like the layers tab this this shows us all the layers all the elements everything that is included in the project

So all we have now this is basically like a very blank project with all we have is this

Background on white box sort of thing so um to first get started and we're just gonna unlock this layer because by default

when you make a new project

The first layer [is] locked so we don't really have a lot of freedom to do like move it around and stuff

So what we're gonna

Do is actually double click on this locked

Icon or this lock icon and then when we do that as you guys can see we have this layer option

so let's name it, background. So...

Let's name it background and then, we can keep the color, we can do it none [select]

and then it'll basically be default color or we can choose whatever you want and that will essentially just make the color of the

Not essentially the box, but that that's like the color here. Here, Let me do that. Let's select the color

This is this is actually very good for organizing, and then we're going to go over that later.

So let's as you guys can see the red color that we selected is sort of kind of like [marks] it with that little red color.

So later on, while you're working you can always

Assign layers different colors and with that you can kind of organize your project, but that's not very important for now

we're [just] going to learn the interface for now so as you guys can see we have a white background here, so

The first thing we're actually going to do is learn the move tool. So the first tool [that] we are [actually] offered in this

Column to the [left] is this move tool. So we're going to select make sure that you go to the right in this layers

Tab and select our only one and only layer in this project

And then we're going to select the move tool

and then we can as you guys can see we can move the box around and

What you've seen this background if you see this like sort of checkered

Background that basically means it's it's transparent because if you if you render out this picture right now, it's basically going to be transparent

So all you'd see is this box and then nothing else. This background is transparent . So what we're gonna actually do is

Undo that so you can undo move and then let's say you do a couple

Actions the best way to undo stuff is to actually go CTRL+Alt+Z

Because that is ultimately, like you can only undo once. As you guys can see I un-did all the way back to

creating the background so let's actually re-step forward. So if I do CTRL+Z,

let's uh Let's add like

Just just for the tutorials sake

Let's just do like Scribbles something like that.

So let's say I did CTRL+Z once and then I did it again as you guys can see it just

Re-did that so the way we go

Step backwards if you want to keep on undoing more than once is CTRL+alt+z or we can go on

Edit > Step backward. That's a very important tool you guys must know in the future.

anyways, so now let's add a

Shape to this project. As you guys can see that is like we learned to use the [move] tool

which is you know it's... quite straightforward, and then..

We're going to learn to do more stuff like rotating. So the first thing

We're actually going to do now to learn that is actually go down to this

This tool right got you as you guys can see it's like a little squiggly sort of shape

so we're going to right click on that and actually select the rectangle [tool], so

As you guys can see we can cut we kind of have this little crosshair sort of thing

[so] [we're] going to select and drag and we're going to make a

rectangle by doing that so

We did make a rectangle, but as you guys can see it's sort of like a a white rectangle

So it's kind of blending in the background all us can see is like the black outline around it kind of indicating that we're selected

On it so if we deselect that as you guys can see we can't really see the rectangle

So we're gonna we're going to assign a color to it or a fill color

So we're just going to go to the fill option as you guys can see up here

Select that and we can choose any color for the rectangle since the background is white

Anything that isn't white is it's going to show so let's just make this

Like a dark [grey] color. I guess that works so now if you want to

move the

Rectangle in the middle of course we can do that by just clicking dragging and if you guys want to move any object

Um in a sort of linear fashion where you don't really?

If you want to just like a sign like a certain let's say we want to move it um like horizontally

So we can just like put it there and then if you just hold down shift

And then move it it sort of locks to the position where it was if let's say, we're moving horizontally now

We can't move it left and right

We can just move it horizontally because it's locked and then let's say we want to move it left and right there

So it that's how that's the way you and then let's say. We like of shift as you guys can see it

[just] it does that so we can also do that diagonally of course so um that's the way you guys you guys can move things

Linearly where it kind of just locks on to the axis

It's on so now let's say we wanted to rotate this rectangle. We can go ctRl t. And that is basically just


basically the the shortcut for the transform and

Let's say we wanted to rotate this rectangle. We can we can guide our mouse to the sort of corner of

The box where we kind of see this little arrow?

pointing downward and then to the left and

Once we see [that]

We can click and drag to how we want to rotate this

So let's say we want to rotate it like that or like that and you can all you if you guys

Also can see like this angle sort of thing up here. We can do that

Numerically we can um we don't [necessarily] need [to] do it visually here

But we can also input numbers and do whatever you want with the angles

Same with the width and width and height on all the dimensions

So let's say we wanted to reset that to zero just to you know have a have it like how it was before

we did anything any of the edits or

Another way you guys can do [that]. Let's say you

You've scaled it you did a bunch of stuff [to] the object

But you didn't you want to just revert it to how it was before um

Before you went to control t. You guys can just click this sort of


Undo icon I guess and as you guys can see it kind of revert sit to what we did before the transform options

So um now what we're actually going to do is as you guys can see you guys can scale it visually

As I said or you can [actually] do it here, so let's say we want it twice as big as it [is] [now]

So we can go 200% by 200%

So it's basically two times bigger than it was and then once we [are] happy with what we do the edits

we did we can just click this check arrow, and then or the check icon and then basically we've just

Applied all the changes. We did to this object

[all] right, so now we're gonna actually now. That's basically like the very basics of the interface and

Now we're actually going to add some effects to this box like a drop shadow. Maybe an outer glow or something like that

and this is actually very simple to do so

We're just going to navigate down to area make sure you're selected on the certain layer

So if we selected on this it kind of shows like these little square icons where you can obviously do the changes and then you

[can] do all the stuff that we learned so I'm just going to revert back to how it was

But make sure you're selected on the rectangle on top and this is all

very important to actually know like the

It's kind of like a hierarchy so it let's say we wanted to have this background on top of this

Where we wouldn't be able to see this we basically just have to drag that on top so any any layer that is on top


Is shown on top of it so it's basically like a layering system. It's very straightforward, so

Yeah, always make [sure] that the smaller layers this backgrounds are always on the bottom of everything

But that's basically the way you want to think about it

So yeah, make sure this layer is on top of the background and then let's say we want to add like I said effects

So we click on the rectangle and go down to [this] effect icon click on that and then go blending options?

so now this is where we have a bunch of options where we can mess around with so

The first thing I'd like to do is to drop shadow. So have a little shadow on behind this box

So we go down to this option and click on drop Shadow so as you guys can see um we have a little shadow

Behind this box, but we can make it more [drastic] make it bigger

So we can increase we can like make it bigger by increasing the size and then the spread the spread

Essentially makes it more like condensed

I want to say but I'm not sure if that's the right word to use, but um so basically yeah

We can increase it using the spread in size size, just makes

Make it makes the shadow spread a bit more

So let's make the size a bit smaller so as you guys can see we have a little shadow

behind [and] that looks pretty nice and

what else can we do um for the effects we can add a

Stroke and the stroke is basically like a [little] outline that goes around any objects

So the stroke we can change the color. Let's make it red for [example], and then we can press ok

And we can also increase the size

Of the stroke by going by clicking dragging or so like in putting your own number

So let's say we want it 10 pixels and as you guys can see that's the 10 pixel stroke that we have around this

rectangle now and

What else can we do we can do a bevel and emboss as you guys can see it adds like [a] little nice 3D

sort of embossed

Bevel sort of effect and we can increase the depth and by doing so it gives that illusion

Even more and then we can obviously increase the size and that that doesn't look very good. Let's make it

Yeah, that looks good all right

What else can we do we can also add a?

Pattern overlay, and then you can mess with this add your own patterns and stuff

But these are the default patterns that come with photoshop. So this is a nice little texture sort of thing

That's that's a cool texture, but we can't really see it since the background is like white so yeah

Those are basically like textures you can add so we're not going to really add anything for now

we're just going to keep it like that or actually let's just add that texture like that looks pretty cool and

What else [can] we do we can do an outer glow? So outer glow is basically?

Let's add a different. Let's make it red

So it'll go nicely with the d border so or the stroke so the outer glow is essentially just

Just like a drop Shadow sort of thing it

It's very similar to the shadow, but it's it basically

It's just like a little glow of a certain color that you can choose or that basically outlines around the object

You can also do inner glow that

That basically does the same effect

but towards the inside of the object instead of it having it on the outside of it, so

We can also do color overlay

This is where we can if it's not a shape, and we can edit the fill we can actually do it

Here manually so we can go to color overlay

And then we can change the color do it to whatever color we want choose whatever color

We want and yeah, we're not going to do that now. So we're going to just uncheck that

Satin basically just makes it a little darker that looks

but that can be cool effect and also yes inner glow inner shadow the shadow is [based] inner shadows basically like a

Up Shadow, but it makes it like in the inside of it same as inner glow

In comparison to outer glow, so the same sort of idea and a gradient overlay

This is a this is a cool feature that we can take a look at so gradient overlays essentially it kind of mixes

colors into

instead of having one solid color so as you guys can see this is [a] mixture of like a black and a

Gray /white ish color and there's a couple presets which we can choose is like a rainbow

And there's there's like striped black. There's like there's cool colors, so

These are only the presets, but you guys can edit them so let's say we wanted that, and then we can edit it

So we can change the colors here, so we can actually select that and then we can select different colors

So let's say we want in the middle color like green. We can have it red and

Yeah, so you can edit it to whatever you basically want so they're um let's say

We're happy with that and then that's like gradient overlay, so it's basically like a mixture [of] colors

That's a best way to think about it. I guess

so um yeah, let's just keep it with that texture and

So yeah, those are basically like the effects the essential effects

[they're] so easy to you know to use and it's very simple [and] to add everything and drop shadow all the strokes everything on

There very simple yet. They're used in like you know and in

Quite complex graphics, I always use them these are very basic and they work really well, so they're awesome so um

now we're actually going to import eight an image from the [internet] that I downloaded and

Edit that so the way we're going to do. This is actually going to go to file and then we're going to go to place

So there's two ways we can do this we can go to file place

and then find the image that we downloaded so we're this is an image of the MCLAren P1 or

Let's say we undid [that] and then we can go to file open

And then we can open that and then that actually opens it to the exact dimensions of the image itself

And that's the way best way to do it if you want to edit a certain image instead of doing it

Instead of placing it inside a project

but let's say you have a project where you want to mix pictures in and add different pictures you can go to file place and

then find the image and then put but um yeah

So we're gonna basically do some edits to this to this image

So the first thing we're going to do is actually duplicate this MCLAren P1

So we're going to go to this tool right here. Which is called the lasso tool and

As you guys can see down [here]

We have a little um this thing that [says] 50% is basically the how much it zoomed to the original size

so let's [go] hundred percent, so that just this just means that we are looking [at] the exact resolution of this image and

The reason why we go [50%] when editing the full project is

That is so we can see the full project because if you go [over] 50%

We'd have to scroll around to be able to see everything but for this for the lasso tool

It's very important to see every little detail

So we're Gonna go

100% and if you guys have a smaller image that you want to edit then you'd [want] you [want] to go even bigger

But essentially for this we're just going to go 100% and once we're zoomed in

we're just going to have a nice shot of the MCLAren, so

Basically just zoom [into] [a] point where the biggest part of the image is

The the focus where you want to duplicate?

So now we're just going to outline this this McLaren P1 having selected this lasso tool. So we're going to outline it

Starting from here, and we're going to do a bit [of] a sloppy job here

It's not very important to be very precise

but um all you got to do is just click and drag with your left mouse button tool and

Just select all the outer part of the image that you

so yeah

I'll leave this image in the description down below that you guys can edit the same exact thing that I'm [doing] but if you guys

Wanted to do a different image. Just find one on the internet anything really uh it doesn't really have to be carved, but um

For this tutorial is simple on a car. This this image is actually very good for like the

Duplicating and everything that we're going to do so I'm just selecting it with this, lasso

Tool doesn't really have to be very precise if I was going to do this very precise

I'd probably go like like six hundred percent on the zoom and just do like very pixel-By-pixel

Making it really really sharp

But anyways now that we've done that [we] can zoom back out to look at the full

Image and go 50 percent and as you guys can see there we've selected that now before we duplicate it

Let's do the same thing with this background and double click on this lock icon

so once we do that [a] we can basically lay in the layer to whatever we want so let's name it, McLaren and

Then once we've named it [maclaren's] press enter or click ok and then as you guys can see there

We've got the image

Unlocked and the next thing to do is to make sure that you selected on that on that layer

And then we're going to go control-C or command-C

matters if you're on Mac [or] PC

It doesn't really matter, but yeah

So just cTRl C

And then [cTRl] [V] so once we've done that as you guys can see now we have two layers

And if we hide this layer, we can hide layers by clicking on this little eye icon

Which indicates layer visibility as it says there?

so we click on that as you guys can see we have just an outline of the McLaren itself and then the background is just

Transparent as I guess totally as I told you guys before on this checker sort of thing is indicates that the background is transparent

So let's just bring the background back, and now as you guys can see we have this McLaren here, so we can click in

Using the move tool that I showed you guys earlier

We can click and [drag] and move it to where wherever we want on this project

let's say we want this McLaren facing this McLaren so sort of switching the

The Direction it's going so we can go cTRl t

which is short for transform the shortcut and we can go to height and just add a little minus symbol or

Nova that [makes] it [upside-down]. Let's let's do it on the wif actually so let's go [minus] a hundred [percent]

Which it's still maintaining the same

dimensions however, it's

negative on the width making it on the going to other direction, so

We can also do that by [clicking] and dragging like that, but the easiest way to maintain the proportions is to just do it

like that so

once we choose a spot where we

[McLaren] we can press [okay] or we can even do the rotation like I showed you guys earlier?

And that looks pretty cool. Just two little [maclaren's] on facing each other off, so

What are we going to do now? We can do some effects. Let's say like a drop shadow and

That looks all right

Let's make it a little bigger

we can do outer glow that looks cool, and then we can increase the size as you guys can see [that] looks pretty cool, so

Yeah, I just showed you guys everything else [it]. You know. It's quite straightforward [um]

for the effect, but now we're actually going to do is to actually make a adjustment layer and

Basically we're going to mess around with the color Correction the exposure

Everything to make this image

Look as nice as possible. So the way we're going to do this is we're going to go to layer and then new

Or sorry no, we're going to go to layer new adjustment layer

And then the first thing we're going to do is to add a brightness contrast layer

So we're just going to click ok you can name that whatever you want you can [even] color code it

Just like I showed you guys earlier too for you know for better organization

but we're just gonna leave that alone for now so um as

You guys can see this is the first adjustment layer now adjustment layers basically are just like editing layers. They're not visible

They're not necessarily like solid items

But or objects in the scene or in the and you know in the project and the ou and all the elements

But they're basically just - just the the visual aspect of this project

So we're going to go to contrast

We're actually going to increase the contrast as you guess and see if we decrease the contrast it looks a lot more like

washed up

Or um if we increase it it looks a lot more like like vivid so we're gonna make it let's say

40 looks good [40] yeah, well that looks pretty good

And then we can increase the brightness a little decrease it that looks pretty nice if we decrease the brightness a bit there

Too much brightness doesn't look very good in my opinion um let's go actually - [7] I thought, I'd actually go more brightness

But a little lower brightness looks a lot better. So now that looks that's how it looked before the first

Adjustment layer and then after that's how it looks, so it you know

But as you guys can see it already looks pretty cool. Just like that. So we're gonna add [another] adjustment layer by going layer

new adjustment layer and then we're going to go to


now we're just click [ok] just like everything else and then

Levels we can there's a lot of presets so you can mess [with] that yourself here

But we're gonna actually select our preset on the level so you can click darker

Whoo that looks really cool

And then there's increased contrast and you know so this is basically like a easy way to

Make your project look a certain way, so let's just me let's select um let's see let's see

[increased] contrast that's a little too much contrast one darker. That's a little too dark

Mid-Tones brighter

Mid-Tones Darker, I think that looks pretty damn cool and

Now on since it's quite dark

We can actually go back to this and double click on that icon and increase the brightness a bit because it is quite dark

[alright] that looks pretty cool now, [so]

Next thing we're going to add is actually a let's see a layer and [then] new adjustment layer. We can add a

Let's see

Exposure and then once we add exposure you can mess around with that. We're actually [Gonna]

Decrease the exposure a bit and then the offset you can mess [around] with that

and then we're actually going to increase that a bit just to bring out the color the dark color is a bit and then the

Gamma Correction you can mess around with that as well

That is starting [to] look really cool. So that is how the project or like it

It's initially looked and then after all these correct Correction layers

This is how it's looking right now

So let's add one more just for the sake of you know showing you guys how all this works?

It's all the same you know, it's all the same

Concept you just have to tweak it and then play with all the settings everything just to get the perfect look of the project that

You want so let's go to layer new Adjustment layer

And then let's add a let's see color lookup now color lookups are are

basically like a correct in color layer and

And these are quite tricky to work [with] because you can you can it you can basically

Load up files um that are called lut files

And I might actually do that later in like different tutorials and show you guys how to make those

lut different color um color Correction files


For now, we're gonna go with something that is default um that it looks pretty cool

So we're gonna go in let's see turquoise, sepia

But as you guys can see these are basically like filters [um] that make your project look a certain way um

Let's see that looks cool

so um if we're happy with that we can just leave that on um yeah, so that's basically like the

You know all the adjustment layers alright, so let's say I wanted to add some text now to this project

It's actually really straightforward in Photoshop

there's this icon with a t on it one of the tools and

That actually allows us to add text so let's actually select that and then

Anywhere on the project that we want to act actually I add the text box or the text itself?

we can just click so let's say what we wanted to add a title here at the top so we can just click there and

Type something, so I'm just going to say

Example since this is a tutorial so as you can see we [just] typed a text there

But um it's not visible because it's like half cut off because you know it's not positioned correctly

so if we if we just move like anywhere

out of the actual text box itself you can still see the the move position before we click the

Check mark for the transform tool

So there as you can as you can see it says example, but it actually is quite big this text

So let's make it a bit smaller. Let's go to let's say

You can change the the [font] and everything from here

let's say we wanted to change the font so it's about some select something else and

That [one's] that's not really nice font there we go

that's a pretty good font and then um we also need to tone [down] the the actual the the

font size, so

Here there's like a drop-down menu [that] only goes to 72 point

But that's obviously way too small so we can input our own number year to make the types a lot bigger

So let's say [five] [hundred]. Yeah, that's good. So that's our example. Text as you can see there

So that looks pretty cool

and then we can also mess around with some of the settings [um]

For the actual text itself like effects so we can go to Fx and then blending options and then from here

We can go to let's say overlay blend mode and then blend mode is [basically] what it does. It's like

There's different blend modes that do different things like difference is basically like it. It does opposite colors, and then you can do

Exclusion which is essentially does the same thing darken that that it doesn't really work there

But you [you] can basically just mess around with that and different different settings different backgrounds

There's different effects that work better than others so for this one

We're actually going to go [difference] that actually [looked] really cool

and then if we just move around you guys can see it Kinda does like an

X-Ray Sort of Filter on the background itself on what it's um. You know on what it's on so that looks really cool

You can still see the clouds and everything on [an] actual background. It's basically just the like polar opposite of what the colors are so

Yeah, that's it's really simple to add text and [photoshop]

You [can] also do other effects like drop shadow all everything else that we learned in the effects panel, okay?

So now let's say I wanted to erase a part of the McLaren so we can actually use the eraser tool. Which is also very

Straightforward to use, so there's this little tool like this little eraser icon that

We can select here once we selected that we're going to go up to here and actually

Select the size, so let's go 100 around 100 pixels

and then we're gonna actually decrease if you have a hardness on like 50 [percent] by default just decrease it down to

let's Say

we're just going to go to 0% for now actually and then I'll show you guys the difference when you

actually increase the hardness of the eraser, so now we're going to select the

the duplicated [Maclaren] layer, and then we're going to start erasing so as you guys can see you erase parts of the

Of this layer using this simple eraser tool

and now let's say we go step backward and then we go to

The hardness and we increase it to 100% just to show you guys the complete opposite

So let's select the McLAren layer again

And then we can actually just erase it directly and as you guys can see it's a lot different

It's a lot like crisper

And then I can show you guys a side-by-side by decreasing the hardness then going back and as you guys can see here

It's a lot softer like the way. It's it races on. [they're] just crisp puts a crisp line

So that's essentially the difference between you know and then you can also select a different like brushes for the eraser

so that's like sort of like a a nice little um a

pen sort of brush or like a a paint brush sort of not a pen a paint brush sort of

Style to the eraser so you can do lots of cool styles with that actually but um let's for now

Let's just go control z first step backward step backward and just go back to where it was so um

yeah, that's basically the eraser tool and I

Wanted to show you guys one more thing before I end this first essentials, sort of like basics tutorial is um

I'm going to show you guys the pen tool now the pen tool is something that is

sort of like

How you make logos how you make like objects?

How you make shapes and stuff [um] in in photoshop, and this is a very essential

Tool that you must learn so let's go let's make another new project a blank project, so let's go

1920 by

1080 or

We can actually just go back to this one

[I] actually forget that so let's just delete that and then we have a back the white background here

We don't really have to delete it. We can just click on the visibility icon and just hide it

so let's make a shape, so let's say we want it to make a a a

Letter Z so

we can start by

Selecting a point here, and then let's say we wanted to make a another point here, [so] a letters that look something like that

Right, but that that's not necessarily straight, so we go controller vault

[C4] Step Backward

And then we can we cannot keep this anchor [point] here however when we select the second point

We can hold shift down which basically makes it straight

See as you guys can see this is a perfect straight line

Now to do it

Diagonally we can also do the shift tool you use the shift tool then if you want to move this we can

select cTRL and then shift or sorry not shift just [cTRL] and then and then now once you've

Dragged it to where you want. We can click shift and as you guys can see there. It's straight

So let's put it right there that looks good

[and] then we can also select the third point

by clicking shift and right there so now we're going to actually make [it] like [three-dimensional] [and]

There we go, you can press [control] to edit that one

point and then let's bring it up to here click shift to make it straight and

then add another point by clicking shift and make it straight of [course] and then

finishing this object

Once you once you're finished

and then you want to like

close the object um you guys can see that little circle icon busted besides light beside like the pen tool and then

Once you click that it basically makes it a shape

And then you know we can right click create a let's let's define a custom

shape actually and let's name it z

so and then we can click enter and so let's actually go to this rectangle icon and then I

select custom shape tool and then from here

there's a little drop-down menu we can select all the custom shapes that we have and

the most recent ones are on the bottom so your icon that you probably just made is [on] the bottom and

We can click anywhere on the screen

And then have this is like the default width and height I guess so

Make sure you're always on preserve

proportions if you want to look exactly how you made it and then you can you can adjust the height and width but I'm just

Gonna leave it like that for now, so this is the shape [that] we have and

As you guys can see you can't really see [it]. It's probably because it's white

So we're going to go to the effects and then we're going to go to

color overlay and

Then yeah we can change the color to whatever you want. Let's just make it black

I guess because you know it's white in the background. It's an easy to see and then we can do everything else like that

I taught you guys like outer glow. Let's make it

no, red and

size spread

Let's actually just make the background

Transparent so yeah as you guys can see there

That's the outer glow right there, so yeah, that's that's basically all I wanted to show you guys in this

Essentials tutorial I feel as though it covered everything

[that] is that is very essential to learn when you first start using photoshop from the interface to the

You know the essential tools that you must learn and from there

It's not very hard like everything else is really straightforward just like this

It's basically just more detailed has more features

you know there's more features to cover for sure and that's definitely why I want to continue this series and

Yeah, that's going to be it for this video

I hope you guys enjoyed this essentials tutorial for Photoshop, and.. yeah

I'll definitely be continuing this and stay tuned and if you're if you're new around here

make sure you subscribe and because I will definitely be doing, of course a lot more tutorials. Get notified when I do upload and

Yeah, if you guys enjoy this

I'd love to hear you guys' feedback, what you guys would like to see in the next tutorial. And,

Yeah, that's gonna be it for this video. I hope you guys enjoy it as I said this has been MisterNinjaBoy

and I will see you guys in the next one.


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