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What is the distribution of nature?

What is the distribution of nature? Distribution of nature Professor, how many children do you have? I said, "Three." He asked again, "What are their ages?" I replied, "Nine years, seven years and three years." On hearing this, he said, "Then you will surely bring something for them on your return from university?" When I answered in the affirmative, he again asked, "How would you distribute these things among them?" Are there? I said, "I have a son and two daughters, and since the son is older, I give him everything I have and tell him to share them." On hearing this, he said, "Professor Sahib, what will you do if one day you find out that your son does not distribute the things you have brought according to your instructions or does not use justice in distributing them?" I laughed and said, "Even if it happens, the solution is very simple. Next time, I will give him only his share and the daughters' share ...