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 Photography and adobe Photoshop

Dispersion Effect: Photoshop Tutorial

Dispersion Effect: Photoshop Tutorial Stock download links are in the description. Duplicate the background layer. CTRL + J. Hide the top layer. Select the Background layer. Select the Lasso Tool. (L) Select around the model, like so. Once you're done. Right-click - Fill. Contents: Content-Aware. Then hit OK. CTRL + D to de-select. Make our top layer visible again. Select the top layer as well. Select the Quick Selection Tool. (W) Select the entire model, like so. Head up and click on Select and Mask. Select Refine Edge, if you're using a different version of Photoshop. Refine Edge Brush Tool Start off by only selecting the model's hair. Output to: Layer Mask. Then hit OK. The model is now on a separate background. Duplicate the top layer. CTRL + J. Right-click on the mask - Apply Layer Mask. Hide the middle layer. (Layer 1) I am going to rename this layer to "Dispersion Effect" Duplicate it once more. CTRL + J. I am going to rename this new layer to "Man...