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Using Your Own Brand As Your SEO Secret Weapon by neilpatel

Using Your Own Brand As Your SEO Secret Weapon by Neil Patel - If you want to thrive in SEO, you need to build a brand. It's been 11 years since Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, said, "Brands are the the solution, not the problem. "Brands are how you sort out the cesspool." And what we see today really reflects that. Companies and websites that have invested in building a brand are becoming more and more prominent when it comes to ranking higher up on search results. But even people who didn't have a search presence, like Kylie Jenner, have built websites with massive organic traffic because of its brand. Hey, everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today I'm going to break down how to use your own brand as your secret SEO weapon. (bright music) Now, before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel. And if you're on YouTube, click the alert notification. You've probably heard of using SEO to build your brand, but what about using your b...